Hahaha I’m cracking up at that title right now…
Spent most of the time in Amsterdam, but had some pretty epic unexpected adventures (and food!) with a last-minute hook-up with friends-of-friends, which ALWAYS makes visiting anyplace better.
No matter what.
The places are absolutely cool, and the people make the places.
On this trip, Ido, Mariska, Ralph & Rianne, thank you for giving us seriously the most incredible day of Dutch culture, cuisine, and company! Literal perfection. And thank you Rachel for seeing the opportunity for us all to experience a bit of life together, and connecting us.
So grateful.
Ok here we go, Holland… Holla!
Arrive in Amsterdam to carry my 60 pounds of stuff a mile in the rain.. hells yeah, we livin’ now! (I may be weird, but I actually feel like it’s more of an adventure when things go “wrong.”)
I’m not kidding you, there are bikes……….. EVERYWHERE. (This pic is actually from Antwerp in Belgium, but I won’t tell if you won’t.)
If seeing multiple countries in Europe is showing me anything, it’s showing me just how much history and historic architecture and BEAUTY is here. Way more than the bikes…. it’s absolutely everywhere. Everywhere you look, you’re taking in something else that’s old and amazing.
Beautiful architecture and beautiful art! Visited the Van Gogh Museum and poured over every piece and every audio and loved every second of it. I am a #artlover for certain. The Bedroom (as seen here) was my favorite. And yes, I totally took a picture (no flash), totally shredding the system.
Did a million things this week, and also rocked it out with my clients.. man I LOVE that. Love them. Love our work. Love f*ckin’ everything about it. And I know I can be hyperbolic in my ridiculousness and descriptions sometimes, but seriously, my love for my clients and our work is just…. its’ just so fulfilling. I keep coming back to this inside this gratuitous life experience… that there’s just nothing better than connecting with other wonderful people. And I also believe that, coaching work aside.. true connection with others is an actual, absolute.. positive contribution to the world. .. Anyway, this was the view from my desk this week. 🙂
As we know…. I love doors. And artsy fartsy photos with doors. Stay tuned for more as the #WMFT continues.
Holland day with Ido and Mariska! 😀 Thank you guys so so so much for really and truly introducing us to everything Dutch awesome in one day! #besteverrrrr!
Food food food… can’t leave Holland without having the cheese. I could’ve spent an hour in this store eating the free samples…. wait, we did.
Best day ever followed by the best dinner ever, and because of a timer-photo-flash-light-switch fake-out that I fell for, here we all are cracking the f*ck up. Hahahaha awesome :))
As we were leaving Amsterdam, I headed to the train station early where they have this piano just sitting there with a sight on it that says, “Play me.” And ya know what? People play it a lot. This kid was incredible. After he finished, an entire acapella singing group of ladies and gents I’d say were all over 70 rocked out some songs giving us all an impromptu concert. After that, another guy took the keys and sang and I sang with him and a bunch of others who in that moment, let go of enough of our inhibition to join in and create music on the fly, together. I want to do more of this for sure. 🙂
Ok, here’s the pic of the acapella group! :))) After this, we hopped the Thalys high-speed train going 200mph to Paris! (Again, said in my best French accent)