Life coaching is a ongoing one-on-one conversation, completely focused on YOU—your goals, progress, energy, overall consciousness, and increasing badassery in the way of personal relationships, professional growth, and whatever else you want to make happen in your life. Our coaching relationship will work from the inside out, identifying your core energy and core values, so that all the goals we set are in line with the person you truly are and want to be at your core. We will break your goals down into manageable tasks, and hold you accountable to making it happen every single week. This is how so much progress is made in such a short period of time. Efficient and excited growth! Boom.
Life coaching is about forward thinking and forward motion. Progress. Chosen change. Therapy classically focuses in the past, taking people from dysfunctional to functional. Coaching takes fully functional people to an optimal place, clearing away external and internal blocks to make way for inspired, directed action. I mean, dang, when we feel free, unstuck, and on fire.. that’s when a TON of stuff happens! That’s what coaching does. It finds your fire and then puts it to practical use. Friends are great for support and validation for sure, but in friendship, it goes both ways, thus diluting impact. In coaching, our conversations are entirely focused on you and your progress. By employing intuitive listening and full presence and focus on you, we get to the root of your energy and intention in the most efficient way possible. And a key difference in coaching versus pretty much anything else, is accountability. Accountability ensures your progress week-to-week, no matter what your goals are. Whatever you want to do, we’re gonna do. Simple as that. And if you don’t know how, we’ll talk about it until the path is clear. Then we’ll do it. Either way, what you want to make happen, is gonna happen.
I’m me. Really. Coaching is a very personal relationship, and if you like my vibe, what I’m about as a person, and how I operate as a coach, then our coaching relationship will thrive. I’m stoked. It’s how I roll. I’m into authenticity, organization, and living my dream bigger and brighter every year. I believe every single person on this planet can live their dream too, which is why I’m so ridiculously stoked on this work. It’s FUN to help someone realize things in their life they never thought possible!!! I am deeply grateful for all of it and every person that crosses my path. Including you reading this now. For real, thank you. As for professional experience, specifically, I have been a professional skydiver, competitor and coach for over 14 years (skydiving 18 years total). Before that, I worked for five years at Credit Suisse First Boston, yes, the full-on corporate-America deal, managing clients, and executing a highly transactional business within that corporate team and environment. From skydiving teams to corporate compliance to everything personal, I have developed expertise in communication, relationships, interactions, in business, life, love, etc. All developed from my innate ability and love of connecting with people, and my talent to understand and speak to the often complex workings of inter-personal situations. As an entrepreneur, I have learned unparalleled organization that can (and will) support any dream, however crazy or daunting it’s execution may seem. My approach to everything in  life has been intense commitment, going after things in a hard-core way, preparing for great things, tapping my courage, then actually taking the big risks to create a life I couldn’t even have thought up in the beginning of it all. If you relate at all.. if this sounds like what you want in your life, hit me up and we’ll figure out if we’re the right team to make it happen for you too.
Because I’m that certain that you will feel the benefits of coaching right from the start. I also want you to commit to this process without fear. Bring on the awesome!
Because there are tons of coaching certification courses out there that claim they produce outstanding coaches, when the truth of the matter is that only ICF accredited programs are held to the ethical and educational standards that result in such coaches. With that, coaches that can provide you the best possible service. iPec Coaching, the program I attended, is an ICF accredited program, and was totally and completely badass on all levels. One of the best things I’ve ever done. Ever.
Check out the Coaching tab on the website for specifics of each program. In general, it involves weekly  phone calls, unlimited email and text, and ongoing accountability. The ultimate portable team unit. I’m with you everywhere you go, all the time, so you’re never alone and always supported in sticking with and achieving your goals. And it works. Honestly, (and I tell this to everyone), it’s so awesome I can’t even stand it.
Sample Session is an affordable and unexpectedly powerful way to learn more, and experience what coaching with me is like first-hand with no commitments beyond that hour.
Feel overwhelmed? Unbalanced? Feel like it’s taking forever to reach your goals? Not sure what goals to even set? Feel held back by your job, your relationship, or yourself? Know you can do, feel, or be more? As your coach, we will tackle all of it—you from the inside-out, and outside-in. With that, you will start growing, making progress, and enjoying the self-sustaining energy that comes with doing, feeling, and being the most authentic and engaged version of yourself. Just like doing stuff we hate drains us, doing stuff we love, stuff that aligns us with our core selves, that fills us with energy and fuels our lives.
Awesome! Now comes the good stuff. Just click this button to buy your Sample Session, and I will email you directly to schedule our first call! Booyah! It’s go time, YES!