Hoooooooly crapola, talk about being tossed into the deep end with a giant backpack on and trying to swim after a trans-Atlantic flight.
I’m talking, you better get your figurative acquatic shit together and quick. Hahahaa, yeah, that’s pretty much how I’ve been feeling this first week adjusting to the World Tour actually being reality. Holy sh*t, the #WorldTour is reality!!!!! I’m typing this from Brussels, reflecting on my time in England, which already feels like eons earlier, even though it was only a couple days. Totally wicked.
So why holy-sh*-t-I-very-well-may-in-fact-drown feelings? I have my computer. I have my killer international cell and data plan. I have my travel partner I trust. I have myself.
It’s because I didn’t have any clue how this was going to actually look. Upon arrival, life was pretty much entirely different. So this week, I’ve been learning an entirely new life. DAMN. No wonder I’ve been freakin’ out a bit in between client calls and historical landmarks. This first week has been suuuuuuuper full of seeing stuff too. A badass binge of bucket list history, as it were. “Ahh awesome!!!” and “WHOA!” all at the same time.
First lesson is something I certainly already know and has simply been reconfirmed in the intensity of this first week.
Downtime and taking care of ourselves is essential to fully enjoying all the awesomeness that is afoot in all our lives. I can’t truly enjoy and appreciate the history and beauty around me here if I’m exhausted. If I’m emotionally spent. Just ain’t gonna happen. And since I’m about enjoying and appreciating EVERYTHING… since that’s one of my main underlining intentions in LIFE… I’m gonna say no to some landmarks, say yes to the ones that call me, say yes to more sleep, type to you guys, and just chill.
Boom. No matter where you are in the world, do this. Take time for you. Let’s do it together… hahaha, even though that sounds funny.
Arrived in London! Elana (Wingsuit Goddess of the British Empire) picked me up, and then we picked up Brian! (Monkey Business shirt, so clutch!)
A dream come true. Truly. Stonehenge has been on my bucket list for as long as I can remember. I was absolutely moved taking in something so old.. with so much history.. was an experience just being near it for sure. Interestingly, I was moved even more at just experiencing what I’d said to myself for years as something I wanted to do.. something I eventually, somehow, not sure when, wanted to make happen… and here I was… living it. That moment connected me once again to the very real truth that we can do whatever we want. We can. We can come up with dreams, and we can do them… we can have them… we can experience them… and grow in confidence living each one, getting even more that it’s all possible… and we are the source. Sounds kind of deep, but I mean every word. It’s real. Anything we want to do… we can do.
GoPro selfies with awesome pals at Stonehenge are the best!!!! #living #outstandingpeoplemakelifebetter
Paul and Elana putting up Brian and me as I start my World Tour journey (Brian’s been here a month, he’s totally my World Tour in-house life coach, not kidding you, I should totally pay him hahahaa). So wonderful to see amazing old skydiving friends in such a fun visit! These two are absolute TOPS. (I think that’s a Brit slang term for really and truly completely and totally awesome.)
Client calls! #MOBILEENTREPRENEURSHIP!!!! (Not kidding you guys, this is also a dream of mine. A truly mobile lifestyle.. so I can truly live a life with as much freedom to create everything else in my life I want too… in this case, it’s the World Tour… it’s also time with my family, my loved ones, myself… this might sound weird, but I feel totally in love with my business.. my clients… I love each and every person I work with, and that’s the legit truth… I love having my laptop on my lap right now, typing away to clients and you guys… I love taking pics of whatever the heck I’m making possible for myself in some hopes that it inspires anyone with similar goals, similar interests, similar callings in life to have the confidence or just courage to do it for themselves, however it looks for them. Yeah, I love this life. Even though this week was super fucking hard trying to figure everything out (time, balance, sleep, food, fun, ETC), it was an epic example of taking life on and really pressing the boundaries of what I can do. I’m not through the growing pains yet, I’m sure, but regardless of those feelings, I feel equally confident and grounded in this being an amazing opportunity of my life.
Roman Baths! I mean, you gotta do the touristy posed shots sometimes too. The man who I asked to take my pic joked about me paying him 10 dollars or pounds.. I wasn’t really sure if he was joking or serious, he had wild and long curly hair, and regardless, I handed him my phone hahaa.. figured we were in a protected historical landmark, and his eyes sparkled enough with humor, I went with that. 🙂
Jane Austen House! I was doing some ridiculous jumping-pic video in front and this guy totally walked into my video behind me and started dancing, hahaha, of course that made me love him, and we became quick pals. Jane clearly wasn’t into it. #writerhappy
Boris!!! Miss you too, buddy! #ADORBS #stolethathashtagfrommyhilarpeeps THANK YOU, PAUL AND ELANA AND BORIS FOR THE MOST WONDERFUL HOSPITALITY AND INTRODUCTION TO MY WORLD TOUR!!! I truly couldn’t be more grateful for the time. Love you guys tons tons tons! And thanks for all the coffee!!!!! ;)) hahahaah :)))
London! St. Paul’s Cathedral at night, view from a beautiful balcony in the heart of the city, and sometimes, I just gotta blue steel.. it’s in my blood.
Brian C, the brains and heart behind Radio Skydive Uk, and this completely wonderful exploration of London! Was so fun to be interviewed and just get to meet and hang! Brian reached out when I had posted about the World Tour, offered to meet up, and it just worked out perfectly. Yay! And yeah, he busted out the microphone after we’d had a couple beers, hahaha awesome… skydivers, definitely check out his podcast, it’s guaranteed to be interesting/ridiculous/informative/entertaining/ETC. 😀 http://www.radioskydiveuk.uk and http://www.facebook.com/RadioSkydiveUK
Tower of London and the honorary art installation of poppies… this picture does NO justice to this art installation, how moving and awe-inspiring it is in it’s vastness. There is one poppy for every British soldier killed in World War I… over 888,000, entirely surrounding the Tower of London. Incredible.
Walking across the Tower Bridge at night in the rain… I don’t know why, but that kind of experience always makes me feel more “in it”… more alive. I just don’t mind the rain, ya know?
We watched the Tower Bridge go up, and the Dixie something boat went underneath, hahaa.. thought it was fitting, and now kind of funny that I can’t really remember. Absolutely ideal London visit (despite it being only one day) thanks to Brian C for putting us up and planning a literally perfect day and night. Inclusive of doing the super fun skydiving interviews with him for his awesome podcast, Radio Skydive UK!!!! I will be Episode 15 and that will be out soon, stay tuned, and I will keep you posted! Check it out here: http://www.radioskydiveuk.uk and http://www.facebook.com/RadioSkydiveUK 😀