It hasn’t been bad at all, if anything, it’s making me toooootally aware of my choices (no matter what they are), making me consciously choose healthier stuff instead of letting my inner wiring lead me to crappy food. AND it’s getting me to write more.. Bonus!! On top of that, I hope it’s helping you to do the same. Thank you for reading and for all your participation and feedback! Bonus bonus!! 😀
Yeah, I’m liking this exercise. Granted, I don’t like when I have to resist the salivating craving for wings when the person across the table buys them for us as an app, but I really genuinely like the fun experimental nature of this whole thing. I like “trying stuff” on myself, ya know? Learning through experience instead of sitting on the sidelines and wondering what could have been. A little deep-and-meaningful, I know, but it’s true. I like gettin’ in there and DO-ing, even if it’s tough stuff. Experience of any kind is where all the fun is hiding!
Ok, so today was another training day, meant to be as excruciating as yesterday but the weather gods gave us a reprieve and rained us out completely. So instead of doing all the jumps running ragged on turns, we did 45-minutes of tunnel and did team-bonding over movie popcorn. Awesome.
Today’s list:
1. Kashi GoLean cereal with milk: Based on yesterday’s morning energy level, I knew I needed more fuel before our early AM tunnel sesh today. So, a quick bowl of cereal it was. Yum. Tasted quite sugary.. not sure if it was bad for me though, but thought it might have been… guess I have to figure that one out…
2. Pear, Mini-Cliff Bar, 3 scrambled eggs, an iced tea, and half a Sugar-Free Red Bull: This was second breakfast after our first two tunnel sessions. Felt like good fuel. There’s just something about eating something hot and hearty that is satisfying to the soul. As you know how much I love eggs, these totally did the trick. Had tons of energy and rocked it in our last session. I’ve been weak mentally in our training up to this point, forgetting sequences… sure, I’m in a new slot, but given my experience I shouldn’t have been brainlocking quiiiiite as much as I was. So yeah, I’m thinking (and know) the fuel levels in my body make a huge difference for that. And since scoring a million points and killing the competition is the goal, it helps when I remember the points. If eating awesome food helps me remember the points, I’m gonna do it. Nuff said.
3. Coconut water, aged white cheddar, and a pear: About 10 thin slices. Tiding myself over before the movie.
4. Half a medium movie popcorn, no butter: Given I normally plow through an entire large, I felt great about my plan to get the free medium with my sweet movie t-shirt (best deal ever), and only eat half. Having a plan at all was key. And miraculously I stuck to said plan! Proud of myself and got to enjoy, in moderation, one of my most favorite junky foods. 🙂
5. Emergen-C: Nick’s got a sore throat. Uh-oh.
6. Seven wasabi almonds: Dying for dinner. Needed a little something in the belly.
7. Steak and corn on the cob: Totally delicious. Nick is a master on the grill. The, ahem.. grill sergeant, you might say. I actually bought him a shirt that said that. hehe
On the whole, I feel like I ate a lot of food today. I feel like for the most part I made good choices, but I feel like I did eat a lot. I also feel like I could’ve eaten more. Not sure what that’s all about, but I will admit that I don’t often feel satisfied after eating what I think is an appropriate amount of food. I struggle with quantity for sure. I’ve been making headway on healthy choices, and I think next it will be the quantity question. After training is done, I may add the Lose-It app counting to this process to get a better idea of how much I should be eating in addition to the consciousness of what I’m eating as well. And read Enter The Zone while I travel. I like it.
7 days down, 23 to go! 😀
More training tomorrow if the weather holds…
PS. And because it’s awesome and hilarious… corn shenanigans: