Hi all! Ok, there are so many photos and mini-stories for the #WorldTour, figured I’d make separate photo posts and separate insightful-musings posts hahaa, sweet.
Aaaaaand BELGIUM, go!

Let’s start with my mobile office! Pretty quickly, I’m figuring out how to make sure I’m set for solid internet and quiet space to talk with my clients. No kidding, every single one of my clients who I’ve talked with via Skype World has noted how the sound connection is actually BETTER than when I’m using my standard carrier in the US. Seriously! And the clients I video chat with, same deal, the connection has been better than the US! Given my number 1 stress in doing the World Tour was ensuring my clients’ level of service and comfort, this makes me feel so much more at ease too. Mobile entrepreneurship, working’ it!
We went on a Trappist-beer drinking mission! To try all 6 Belgian ones… I still have the Westvleteren to try, but I know at some point that beer is going to cross my path and it’s going to be a moment! hahaa These beers are all made in monasteries, none are made for profit, and most of them are listed as the best beers in the world.
Met Jerry and Jeffery in one of the beer stores in town, and they totally hooked up up, shared a cold one right there. #fellowtravelers #nicepeopleeverywhere
My most favorite place in Europe so far… the Grand Place. STUNNING. What you see behind me effectively surrounds you 360 degrees.. all lit up at night and so much life in the square, locals and tourists alike, even though this pic makes it look kind of empty… I literally gasped and tears came to my eyes when I walked into this square.
We were in a famous Christmas store, but I forgot where it was based… all I still know is that I was there and these guys are cool. #iloveChristmas #holidaycheerallyearlongforthisgirl
I was just chillin’ at St. Micheal’s and this crew rocks up for a photo shoot. #Halloween #awesome #lovedit
Also sometimes leads to getting your picture taken with a large group of locals in costume in the Grand Place………….
And definitely connecting with wonderful people no matter where we are in life, or where we come from. Laura and Melissa, you ladies rock! Thank you for an epic evening and being just awesome people!!! Best of luck with your event organizing and, like we said, see you in the States when you come! 🙂
This guy was my pal as I walked downtown each day. I think he wanted a bite of my sweet baguette sandwich.
This is just pretty…. points to just a different time in history, while also pointing to more modern times too. #Bruges
Yeah, I’ve already started to unload stuff… have just ditched some shirts, completely donated an extra coat I had to lighten my load… and I’m also building muscles and getting used to it, I think too… I’m not kidding you, walking around with this sucker feels like a crossfit workout. I know they say “pack light,” but they really mean it. Pack light OR just know that you’ll be getting sweet workouts whenever you move with your stuff. Your call. I’m feeling pretty good now… will likely get rid of a bit more, but not tons more. Your call for you. 🙂
Another baguette sandwich in the beautiful Antwerp train station. Our last stop in Belgium before heading north to the Netherlands. 🙂 They said the train station was the most beautiful thing in the city, so we had to stop. And it totally was worth it.
Leaving Belgium, Brian surprised us with one last Trappist beer for the ride… totally thoughtful and totally perfect as we headed north to Amsterdam. As much as I see around me in terms of history, architectural beauty, foreign life and culture, etc… it’s still so easy to see that good friends/family are the best best best in life, no matter where you are, or what you’re doing. I’m nothing but grateful. #WorldTour #WMFT