Not sure where this is exactly, but I thiiiiiiink Marseille is off in the distance. Notice the Alps off in the distance. NO picture could ever do this visual actual justice. Just FYI. Stopped quickly in Marseille and continued on.. but don’t worry, I took some video and will be making a sweet #WorldTour ridiculous video from there too. Sweet.
The best. Even if it’s December… definitely do this. #bucketlist #toesintheseaeontheFrenchRiviera
Don’t forget getting decked out for gambling in Monaco and taking them for 200 Euros! #CHECK
Then eat a block of delicious cheese from the supermarket on the steps the next day blending in with the common folk. #casinobigdogrollingontheDL
Sunset selfie… #lovinlivin
No filter. What up ridiculously beautiful sunset?! Hi. … Stop when you can to take it all in. It’s there everyday.. we just have to look.
Did you find the pen in the peanut butter? I look at that and I love it…
it makes me think how when we really want to make something happen, we figure out a way. We get creative. We open our minds. We let go of preconceived ideas that limit us. We give in to things not being the way we always thought they needed to be. And with that… everything is possible. (Yeah, I got all that from a pen in peanut butter. How I roll. I deal in inspiration, b*tches.)
I encourage us all to scoop peanut butter with a pen more often. Both literally and metaphorically. Let go of what’s “right” for the sake of what could be.
Hit me up in the comments below or via email. I always want to connect and hear your thoughts.
You guys rock. Thank you as always for reading and coming with me on this epic journey of life.
*NOTE: I absolutely am taking new clients while living abroad… so if you’re wanting to make some change for yourself, or just try coaching with me out to see what it’s like and what it can do for you… drop me a line, and we’ll talk. 🙂
*If you’d like to get coaching for someone you love for a present this holiday season, just buy the session below and I will email you a personalized gift certificate. 🙂