I am veeeerrry happy to report that the rest yesterday totally worked!
I woke up for my 7am client call, and pretty much killed it the rest of the day. Feel awesome about every call I had today, and everything else too, including powering through the laundry and hitting the grocery store for more stockpiles of healthy choices. Boom. If I haven’t mentioned it lately, my clients are amazing and I am energized by every second I get to spend with them… this is how I know I’m living my dream. What about you? What do you do that makes you feel completely in the zone? Completely energized? Purposeful? Present? Happy? Make note of it, do more of it, pursue it as much as you can, that’s what I say.
Speaking of the zone, I’m eating it and feeling more and more in it as the days go by. By NO MEANS am I eating perfectly or sparingly.. I mean, I’m definitely addicted to my daily Red Bull, but for the most part, and eat pretty much as much as I want of the stuff I’m choosing. Cutting out crap carbs feels like it has helped a ton. The cravings that have always plagued me, seem to be fading away. Today at the grocery store, I found myself not even looking at any processed carb products at all. Not because I was supposed to and forced myself, but because I wanted the fruit, raw almonds, peanut butter, eggs, etc. instead. Guys…. this is new.
Bottom line, I am staying this course for sure for the rest of this challenge and seeing where it takes me. I’ll weigh in at the end of it all too. Feedback totally welcome! Thank you again for reading, I hope this all is helping you too!!
25 down, 5 to go! Ahh!
PS. Today’s food! Apple with peanut butter, one sugar-full Red Bull, couple bites of a dill pickle, three cobs of corn, one greek yogurt, lots of water, Jimmy Dean hot sausage, and eggs for dinner. 🙂
PPS. Because it’s pretty ridiculous…. no joke, I stabbed myself in the face today with my corn-on-the-cob handle. And people say skydiving is dangerous.