Who weighs in first thing in the morning, post-pee, pre-clothes?

Duh, me too, because you totally score the smallest number! Sweet. So anyway, I haven’t weighed myself in a while, so today I did. No kidding, I was 5 pounds down! What the?? Quite surprised by this, not gonna lie. I’m thinking it’s primarily from a few different things I can see so far:
1. Consciousness. Healthy choices.
2. Moderation. Eating a reasonable amount of whatever it is.
3. Steering clear of “bad” carbs. Processed food, potatoes, pasta. For the most part. (This comes from reading Enter The Zone.)
A friend sent me an email and told me that she lost 10 pounds eating Paleo, and since 10 pounds is my goal, I had to check out the link she sent me too. Haven’t read much of it because I was a hard working highcommer today, but here’s the link to check since it looked good from what I saw on the front page: Whole9Life.
So accountability for the day:
1. Sugar Free Red Bull. 7am client call, just sayin.
2. Two eggs, one multi-grain thin. My usual love-o-eggs breakfast.
3. Almonds, pear, beef jerky. Was doing the Paleo thing in the middle of the day after my friend’s email. And because two other friend’s I trust have urged me toward Paleo in the past too, I figured lunch was as good a time as any.
4. More almonds and a red delicious. Working snack. Found both the apple and the almonds in my backpack from travel. Didn’t even have to leave my desk. Sweet.
5. Naked Juice coconut water. Guzzle it straight from the fridge.
After my usual intense work-from-home focus, I hit my usual 3pm cross-eyed blur and decided it was the perfect time to get moving, ride my bike to the bank and deposit a check. I gotta admit, I really love the dually productive nature of this outing. Any errands to run? Ride your bike. Boom. Two birds, one bike ride.
6. Couple jalepeno thins. The perfect easy, tasty, and pretty healthy thing to eat during a mega Skype coaching sesh with AZ Plosion. Talking 4-way takes energy.
So that was my day. Work work work today, but I like that. Like what I tweeted earlier today, “Highcomms is high energy living. Fierce conversations. Getting real and going huge. At work, at home, and inside yourself.” That’s what I aim to get up to every single day. I hope you do too. For reals, yo. 13 down, 17 to go…
PS. And because he’s awesome and knows what’s up:

THIS is how you open a birthday present.

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