Ok, so right out the gates I’m waaaaaaaaay more conscious of what I’m deciding to eat.
What I want to eat is still way more than my body would need in a week. Apparently I like to eat. Apparently I like to eat a lot. At one point in the grocery store tonight I told Nick and Andrea that being able to eat whatever I wanted without getting fat or unhealthy is a super power I’d like to have.
So anyway, Day 1 was good. Despite it being almost an entire travel day topped off with family time in Des Moines, I took my sharp spike in consciousness and made the best choices I saw available all day long. Since that’s one of my goals for this whole thing, I’m happy.
1. Pear: Didn’t want them to go to waste while we were out of town so I bagged up the 4 left and ate one for breakfast snack.
2. Fruit, Cereal, Yogurt: First class is sweet and gives you pretty good meals. I only had enough of the milk on my cereal to make it not dry (still yummy), and I said no to the pre-packaged muffin top. Ironic that in saying no to a muffin top, I’m saying no to muffin top. Sweet.
3. Fresh vegetable sushi roll: With Chic-Fil-A right next door, Nick and I both made the healthier choice going for the sushi. I went with the raw-est option because I wanted to be awesome, and it really did look good. Soy sauce instead of the sweet sauce. Yum. Good. Win-win.
4. Diet coke and Crystal Light peach tea: I’m a caffeinater. I am.
5. Whole Foods samples: Pesto cous cous deliciousness and Greek salad. Little samples, but calories nonetheless. By this time, I was pretty hungry such that being in Whole Foods around so many holy-crap delicious things was borderline torture. Without you guys holding me accountable, no way I wouldn’t have sampled more and put less healthy items in the cart. Accountability definitely working in this experience. Instead got walnuts and grapes for tomorrow’s snacks. Picked up candy and made jokes about how I wanted to tear the packaging off everything and put it all in my mouth. Sweet.
6. Tomato from the garden: Andrea put some slices in front of me au natural, no reason not to down these suckers. YUM.
7. Iowa-grown corn on the cob and tomato/basil/mozzarella baguettes: Two cobs and two baguettes with bread, one without. TRUST me, I wanted to eat every single one on this tray and the only reason I didn’t is because I knew I’d have to tell you guys. Accountability rules.
Happy with Day 1. Despite the challenging environments of travel and visiting others (usually I lose all healthy-eating boundaries in both of these cases), I feel great about the choices I made today. That said, it was definitely hard and totally showcased my pretty terrible eating habits when I’m not thinking. That said, I’m super glad to be actively trying something hard core to change them into GOOD habits!!! Boom. I’ve never been consistently good at health and I’m happy to be doing anything to improve it.
Thank you again for holding me to all this. You are the best and I totally mean it. How did you do today? Put your thoughts, experiences, insights, whatever in the comments below and we’ll keep it rolling forward together.