So I already told you about the epically transformative experience of this time with my best friends in the entire world. #chosenFAMILY
Here’s this leg of the #WMFT in pictures….. and it’s pretty ridiculous.
To love and hilarity and you,

Bam. Show up. Quality time with my goddaughter.

Ok, here we go…

Let me just tell you that Epcot Center is absolutely the most comical place to go right after going on a real World Tour.

God Bless America and it’s blond hair dye!!!!!!!

Quality time with my Nista. #chosenfamily

God Bless America and it’s hot cars and hot women.

Dinner on JT’s birthday, toasting and celebrating him and us and life. :)))

Love my TIZZLE. <3

Dinner out for a nicer night, Travis too, yay love. :))

Brussel sprouts and bacon. Um….. YUM. Seriously, this was crazy delicious.

Leaving Epcot on the party tram*. *Yeah, we kinda made it the party tram.


We are READY for Seattle and CAROLYN’S BIRTHDAAAAAAAY! #fuckyeah

This girl.

The only way to travel.

Arrival. Check.

Driving to the house. Check.

Sucky birthday party. Check. #nofun

Hike. Check.

This is kinda how I feel when I’m with my best friends, just FYI.

Kitchen time!!! Food yum yay love time PERF.

Homemade pizza with chick-pea crust……….. RIGHT?!!!!

Seattle run! Check! 😀



Do we have anything in our teeth?

Such a beautiful hike, and so serene in the rain.. just such an amazing day and time all around with my favorite people in the world.

Love love love love LOVE. FAMILY.

Just being together. Being there for each other always.

And having the best, most ridiculous, most memorable, most epic bits of life together. So f*cking grateful.
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To bring Mel in as a speaker or facilitator, go HERE.
New jumpers, join Mel’s online skydiving coaching group HERE.
Get Mel’s book, How to Fly: Life Lessons from a Professional Skydiver HERE.
To listen to the Trust the Journey podcast with Mel and Jay Moledzki, go HERE.
To support the Trust the Journey podcast with Mel and Jay, go HERE.