So much musing in my 18 days… Santorini 1… Santorini 2… now here, Santorini 3 for the rest of the awesome pics from this awesome place!!!! :)))
If you ever have the chance to visit this island, this country.. I say do it.
And forget the people who say, “Why are you going there then??” Yes, winter is very quiet in Santorini, but what a gift to be free from throngs of tourists.. to just be and experience a place in your own way.
F*ck yeah, I say. #swearingisabarometerofmyhappiness
Over the course of the #WMFT, I’ve learned that for me…
The off-season is my favorite season.
Follow your own nose, this is just mine.
Rock on, team.
Huge love,
Dang this place is pretty.
Jumping pic with photo timer on one of my runs. Check.
Pink clouds. Loved every single day’s view here.
Um… freakin’ beautiful. Come on.
One more sky.
Ok, last one. #unreal
My sweet pal.
One night dancing out with other travelers. They were totally nice. Didn’t really want to go at first, but opened myself up to the adventure and new connections. I was the first to head home that night, but I’m still totally glad I went. 🙂 #gotmydanceon
On my second-to-last day on the island, I actually was called to leave my little local area and check out Oia and the classic blue roofs! 😉
Walked around the town, taking it in. Quiet cooridoors.. kinda thought I was the only one there half the time. Cool.
Have I mentioned lately my love affair with my noise-canceling headphones? Just checking.
Awesome lunch in Oia.
Mousaka! Classic Greek fare. Mm delish!!
Exploring Oia.
GoPro photo shoot.. is this thing on?
Back to my place in Fira. 🙂
Gyros! YUM!!!!!
Julia was leaving for vacation on the day I went to Oia, I thought I’d get to see her in the morning, but she wasn’t there.. I was sad because I so wanted to say goodbye to her, and really and truly thank her for her kindness and love. Once again the Universe stepped in and just as I was getting back and just as Julia was leaving, we bumped into each other on the STREET. So thankful! We got our hugs and goodbyes and yeah, I’m just grateful. If you ever go to Greece, stay at the Noonis Apartments and take care of her for sure. 🙂 <3
Happy and free. Thank you, Santorini… for everything. <3
*NOTE: I absolutely am taking new clients while living abroad… so if you’re wanting to make some change for yourself, or just try coaching with me out to see what it’s like and what it can do for you… drop me a line, and we’ll talk. 🙂