I’ve always thought it was a little strange that I was a person lucky enough to find not one deep and powerful passion in my life.. but two.
Skydiving and life coaching.
I think up to this point I’ve been operating under this half-unconscious notion that it’s incredible when a person even identifies a passion, much less finding two and actually living them personally and professionally back-to-back. It just seems so abnormal.
So why me, then? It had to be luck… right?
I went to the drop zone this weekend, made a super-fun 2-way jump with one of my oldest teammates, and ran into another old skydiving friend from way back in the day when I first started at Elsinore, and all those years I was there. It was so cool. 🙂 Anyway, we got to talking, updating, reconnecting, genuinely happy to see each other, you know. With that, I got to sharing this whole idea of how lucky I feel to have found this second personal and professional passion in life coaching. Crazy. I went on basically saying what I just outlined above, how it seemed so strange to me that some never find one passion, and I’m lucky enough to find two?? It’s just so crazy, and I’m just so grateful, yada yada yada. And then my friend rocked my brain a bit… he said something like, “No, I think that just has to do with you… you’ve always been like that… you go after what you love, what you want. I’ve always really admired that about you.”
And you know what, he’s right. Internally I want to resist his compliment, but here, now, as I type it out.. I have to own it. My life choices to date have not been for the faint of heart. And yet, by no means have I been reckless. Just like skydiving, my life has been a series of calculated risks and leaps of faith for love, life experience, and joy. Cheese-ball-cheese, but really. Sure, staying in investment banking would have guaranteed me a certain financial future, but you know what… this past year I made the same amount as I made in my most lucrative year at the bank. That blew my frickin’ mind. And I did it doing what I LOVE. Being my own boss. Living my DREAM. I mean, how much more do I need to have this hammered into my head?? It IS possible.
And every last one of us can make it happen.
Not only can we live our dreams, we can be way more successful and happy in doing so with no ceiling dictating how high we can go.
Success, joy, connections, money, friendships, collaborations, product, service, freedom, love, life, anything… whatever we can think up, and a lot of what we currently can’t. Leaps of faith for love get us everywhere and everything. All we have to do is do the work (see: work ass off), and take the chance on ourselves. As all those old-school L’Oreal hair-color ads with Cybill Shepherd say… we’re worth it.
See, my friend reflected back admiration for my approach to life because right now he’s up against his own possibility… he has the opportunity to take a risk doing something he truly wants to do… and you know what, I hope he does it. I hope you do too. Not because I know it would be best for him, not because I know it would work out perfectly… I have no clue about any of that. What I do know though, is that he can’t possibly fail. No matter WHAT happens, he’ll have taken that chance on himself, and proven he can do it and survive. Even thrive. He’ll learn there are doors of opportunity hidden in every mishap, and get the biggest reward in life from stepping through the fire, tapping his courage, and putting his true self out there.
Now instead of hair-product advertisements, I’ll quote Pretty Woman, the biggest chick-flick of all time that oddly strikes the heart of us all in it’s simple message……. What’s your dream?
..First we identify the dream. Then we do it.