Your unique professional style… I’m not sure how many times I have used this meme in a professional presentation. It’s a lot. Trust your unique style will take you down the professional road you actually want to go down. Mine happens to include a bunch of ridiculous cat memes. I mean, duh. Want help down the road that’s for you? Go here. #goteam Previous Next Related posts: High comms and my unique Cosmos I will never forget the day I embraced getting professional help… Talking “professional skydiving” with Amy Chmelecki of the Red Bull Air Force Luke Aikins jump with no parachute… My professional take Melanie Curtis2022-02-05T19:42:23-05:00February 2, 2022|Business, Experience, Family, Health, Hilarity, History, Home, How-To, Insight, Inspiration, Juicing, Life Coaching, Love, Mobile Entrepreneurship, Ridiculous| Share This Story, Choose Your Platform: FacebookXRedditLinkedInWhatsAppTumblrPinterestVkXingEmail