I mean, life is funny, ya know? And now, my new friends from this night and I laugh at how none of us actually wanted to go to this thing, but how glad we are we all did.
So last weekend I went to the prom. By myself. You’re probably thinking, “Ooo, man…,” while simultaneously making that face where you put your teeth together and suck air back into your mouth to indicate both your understanding and non-verbal commentary on what is perceptibly a not-awesome scenario.
Typically this scenario is perceived as an experience only a classic “loser” with no friends or dating prospects would incur. And I admit I had my moments of thinking these thoughts and feeling kind of like a loser myself.
Sh*t dawg.
Feeling like a loser is so not cool.
And I would guess that none of us as skydivers, who do something as cool as skydiving, and know how cool we are just outright, are cool with doing anything not cool.
So what do we do when we feel like a loser? Whenever we might feel that way? For whatever reasons we feel it?
My answer… REFRAME.
What the heck does that mean? How does one “REFRAME?”
The easiest way to do it, is to ask ourselves this question:
What about this situation makes me awesome?
In other words, what that means is: extract evidence of awesomeness we can attribute to ourselves, that we actually believe to be true.. and mentally connect to that stuff to diffuse that icky loser feeling and usher in the relief that comes from believing… really knowing… we are awesome.
In other words again, acknowledge ourselves for our awesomeness inside the situation we’re currently in or facing.
So in the case of going to the prom by myself, I extracted the evidence of awesomeness inside this situation and actively, decidedly acknowledged myself for it. Essentially I told myself… nay, reminded myself… the following:
*It takes courage to move to a new town. It takes courage to take on ANY fear EVER. It takes courage to put yourself out there in any scenario, much less at a costume party with literally no one you know in the brand new town you want to make new friends and a positive impression in… WHAT?! Yeah, you are awesome.
If anyone knows courage… it’s us… it’s skydivers.
So what situation makes you feel like a loser? Sorry, but we have to look at the stuff that makes us feel bad in order to transform it. We can’t make any change to the sucky stuff without looking at it… without addressing it… without feeling through it and finding our new way.
So what situation is that for you now? Now… what about that situation… about how you’re handling it… about any facet of it… shows your awesomeness?
If we look, the evidence of our positive selves is there… maybe we recognize in that personal inquiry parts of lives and ourselves we want to change… or ways in which we want to grow… and that’s great too. I’d say you reading this one to the end… you considering the questions I asked you above… yeah, that right there is you’re-awesome point number one. Right? Right. Tizzle 2.0, out.