Mont Saint-Michel…
… a stunning abbey and stone town uniquely built on an island very close to shore and right on the border between Normany and Brittany, France.
It has so much history, as does literally everything over here except maybe the new H&M on literally every corner in Amsterdam. (No joke, H&M’s in Amsterdam, are like cathedrals all over Europe… they’re freakin everywhere. Got pretty hilarious after a while, not gonna lie.) Mont Saint Michel is another UNESCO World Heritage Site too. We’ve been seeing a lot of those on the World Tour, I just haven’t been pointing them all out as such.
Funny, as I notice things about this experience, I’ll tend to just say it out loud, make conversation, you know.. talk about life, and life currently for me is the #WMFT. So tonight I said in passing, not bothered by it, but rather just noticing it, “There’s no time for regular life on the World Tour…” Then we just laughed.
Because it was a moment where you’re like, yeah, because we’re seeing and doing stuff like this. Because we have one of the most epic opportunities in life, we’re making the absolute most of it, and we will go back to the US when the jig is up with memories, experiences, and insights that will last our entire lives, and likely alter the course of everything for the better.
Yeah, it’s big.
Not to say I’m not going to do a full-on How I Met Your Mother re-marathon when I get home, I mean, duh, totally gonna… I’m just saying, that moment tapped us both into our raw excited appreciation for what we’re actually really doing over here.
And on that note… Mont Saint-Michel. 🙂
It’s impressive from the outside, but once you get inside, you actually realize how much is there, and how many little places there are to explore. Very cool.
Funny, I love learning the history and the facts behind things for sure, and I absolutely am while I’m #WorldTour ing. And sometimes I reach my education saturation point and flip back into simple full appreciation of just the moment, the place, the literal, the energetic, the personal, the spiritual, the insightful. For instance, this spire I know has some famous thing on the top of it, but I can’t for the life of me remember what it is… but it sure is pretty. For this, I’m cool that that’s what I remember. Make your own choices for your travel experiences, and your heart will end up full, whether it’s fully educated or not.
I sat in one of two chairs in the abbey and found myself in a moment. Really sitting in the quiet serenity of the place. Peace came over me and I just was there.
At the end of our day on the island walking back to the front to head out, we came across this crazy, suuuuuper narrow passageway between two buildings. I’m talking, a lot of people just simply wouldn’t physically fit through. Other than the moment sitting in the abbey, this was my favorite part, favorite experience. And it totally reflects on life too… it’s easy to think that we’ve seen everything there is to see, or think we know all the possible paths or experiences to be had in whatever situation.. and then a new passageway appears unexpectedly and our heart jumps with excitement. We thought we knew and we didn’t, and that moment where our mind re-opens again to whatever new possibility.. yeah, that’s the good stuff. And that’s an approach we can use in our lives anytime we feel closed off, finished, like we know it all, or whatever.. we can remember in the back or the forefront of our mind that there are cool and fun narrow and wide passageways all around us… sometimes we just have to keep looking after we think we’ve figured it all out.
Ahhhhh fantastic day… living… and here, for the foodies, my favorite salad so far. Mind you, this “salad” comes with baked goat cheese and eggplant toast things that.. Oh my God.. seriously. Overall, I’m finding salads to be hearty and cheap here in France. Minus one where I accidentally ordered this super salty ham sausage stuff, every salad has been outstanding. Hahaa mmm delish, bon appetit! :))