There’s a lot of movement on the World Tour.
Seeing tons of places, faces, and everything. And then there are times when it slows down… when you get some quiet time in one place for a bit. This bit was in the Champagne region in France, where lovely friends of friends took us in and included us in their quiet life on the farm. One might think that would be boring, or uncool, or whatever else… but it’s not. It’s wonderful. Home-cooking, cheese and champagne toasts in plastic cups after a long walk on the land, and just enjoying the company of good people with great life stories.
I am grateful to Serge and Mirelle for their generosity, hospitality, and kindness. I feel like I have an even truer window into not only the French culture, but into people too.
We’re all just people, choosing for ourselves what we want in our lives.
What we want to do. How we want to be. How we want to love. How we want to live. I’m grateful to Serge and Mirelle for being an example of just that… knowing what they want in their lives now, both individually and as a team, and living it together. 🙂
The amazing oak tree. A few years ago, some people wanted to chop it down for the minimal money that the lumber would bring in. To save it, Serge spent far more to buy the land and save it. 🙂 One of the most lovely walks I’ve taken on the World Tour to date.
The farm. Getting the horses and carriage ready for our ride. And the dogs are awesome, bouncing around, totally psyched you’re around. Yes, this is how they roll all the time, not just special occasions.
Serge and the horses taking us around town. We even stopped at the supermarket for some cheese, no joke.
The local cathedral. Have I mentioned there are ridiculously old and beautiful churches everywhere over here?
Serge is a VERY accomplished, skilled, and experienced hunter. Honestly, I think it’s totally awesome to see passion in any person toward any pursuit (barring any that hurt other people of course). I’m totally cool with hunting and hunters, getting their game, feeding their families, and sharing with their neighbors.
We got to go hunting too! Through the fields and forest, we walked with Serge and the dogs hunting pheasant and rabbit. Was totally awesome to actually get to experience the hunt and just be out on the land, exploring and taking it in. We saw 5 deer and ended up taking home a pheasant that Serge even gave to his neighbor. Small-town generosity. 🙂
One of my favorite pics of the World Tour so far. The fog, the walk, the pups… just living this moment. #nofilter
Then it was time to visit the Rodeo Drive of the Champagne region and go tasting at the oldest brand with super cool story… Mercier. This giant cask for the champagne was actually at the World’s Fair, same one as the Eifell Tower in Paris, and ended up rivaling it as the most impressive and talked-about attraction. Neat!
Because it’s winter here now, there are like NO other tourists. It’s freakin AWESOME. We got our own private tour of the cave and our own private tasting with the sommelier. #badass I absolutely have a new appreciation for champagne.
A toast to my amazing Grampa who passed away this week. He was a truly loving and amazing soul. Always smiled and laughed when we arrived and when we were together. A solid patriarch of our large family, and devoted husband to my Gramma for 67 years. They were both an incredible example of loving family and loving life that I will always strive to emulate. I love you, Grampa!!!! <3