If you follow the facebook fan page at all, you know that Carolyn (one of my BFFs) and I basically spent the entire weekend shooting and editing our next film, which just so happens to be a completely ridiculous gangster rap.
Knowing me as a professional life coach, you may be wondering what value spoofing a gangster rap could possibly have.
Like, really? You’re going to spend your time on that?
Absolutely. Why? … Because it’s FUN!!
Really, that’s the reason. And that’s why it has huge value. As someone who works super hard all the time (equally important), spending some quality time on something crazy fun and funny allows for that key balance between work and play.
There’s something we get from hours of cracking up we just can’t get from anything else.
So get out there, get ridiculous… then get back to work. 😉 #entrepreneurlife
**Sorry, we can’t post The TLOMB Rap online because Carolyn works at a more formal place, BUT we are happy to show anyone who wants to see it whenever we see each other in person. Hell yeah!
We even did a ridiculous 2-way jump taping our hoods up onto our helmets, sunglasses of course, and being gangster geeks into each other’s cameras. Basically, anything we do, we do 1 million percent. Especially the ridiculous.
Nick and Karl (not pictured) helped us too, and a bunch of people on the drop zone were willing to be in our “big buncha dudes” and “def posse.” So not only did Carolyn and I have a blast, we got to have fun with a bunch of friends, and share crazy laughs and smiles with our local skydiving family. So, why make the movies? So so so ridiculous.. AND so so so worth it. 🙂 THANK YOU EVERYONE! 😀
Update 3/19/15
Entrepreneur thug Christmas morning March 2015 getting back from the #WMFT, f*ck yeah! #BESTSHIRTEVER #CANTWAITTOREADTHISBOOK #entrepreneurlife