The moments of true connection make all the difference…
This moment. For me, the moments of true connection make all the difference. Whether it’s with my teammates behind the scenes or in real conversation with kids and fans after. The big moment landing in stadiums to the roar of the crowd is unlike any other, but the reason I love those is because they lead to this. Because they require our hard working and [...]
Blue Skies Mag Feature: The Birds
Very simply, this is one of the most meaningful projects [...]
Blue Skies Mag #77: The Stark Contrast
The topic of friendship and making friends as an adult [...]
Blue Skies Mag #34: Yes Yes Yes
Given so many of my pals and peeps are just [...]
Trust the Journey .today podcast.. LAUNCH DAY!
Hello friends! If you've been following me on FB or [...]
The 3 skills we need to master to be drama-free forever
Check out this meme: Oh SNAP! Burn. AND... Every one [...]
Talking “professional skydiving” with Amy Chmelecki of the Red Bull Air Force
What IS "professional skydiving?" If you've ever wondered or had [...]
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