Small Business Saturday 2024! Gift options for your peeps. ❤️🎄
Hi team! It's Small Business Saturday! I honestly can't believe I've been in business as long as I have. This year marks 20 years. WOW. That's kind of insane to me. It also connects me to serious gratitude because the ONLY WAY a business like mine makes it is because YOU extend me your time, energy and trust. THANK YOU. I never take [...]
ONLINE CLASS: Harnessing Fear & Risk to Reach New Heights
Right on, team. I've been leading a lot of [...]
Building Confidence, Competence & Connection
If you struggle with feeling confident... if you want [...]
A birthday story. (Potential tingles. Potential cringe.)
Team. A birthday story for you. Potential tingles. Potential [...]
I’m a recovering perfectionist. Here’s what I’ve learned…
Perfectionism is a painful prison. Perfectionism guarantees failure. Perfectionism [...]
VIRTUAL EVENT: Deep Healing – What Holds Us Back The Most + Q&A
When it comes to healing... what do you think [...]
The power in F words
Language is powerful. Profanity pierces the mind. It sounds [...]