Skydivers in the real world – Part 1
This is what we did on Thanksgiving. We enjoyed food, fellowship and funny ridiculous nonsense that serves no purpose and yet still makes the world a better place. Click HERE to watch. What makes you come alive? For me, comedy is one of those things. I'm leading a class on December 15th talking about this specifically.. Comedy as a KEY skill in growth, achievement [...]
French Riviera: The Pen in the Peanut Butter
So from Switzerland to the French Riviera in a matter [...]
Switzerland: Zermatt and Richard
So before this, my favorite moment on the World Tour [...]
Barcelona: Spanish Sabrina
You know that movie Sabrina, the old Audrey Hepburn one, [...]
Cote de Rhone: Ride the Merry-Go-Round
Guess what? Next French wine region and section of the [...]
Lesson Number 3: F*ck Yeah
So I've been posting my sections from France based on the wine [...]
Burgundy Region: Stop and Sip the Wine
Burgundy region was a quick one! Drove through much of [...]
Hi. How you doing today?