If you struggle with feeling confident… if you want to feel more confident…
This session is for you.
ONLINE CLASS: Building Confidence, Competence & Connection
Monday, February 19th – 7pm ET
(*or get the recording)
Ticket here:
These three things make the biggest difference in how we feel AND the outcomes we get in every lane of life.
Participants will leave with a deeper understanding of each, why they each matter, and how we can take action immediately and ongoing to make actual change.
Join live to engage Mel and the material real-time.
Or listen to the recording to learn on your own schedule.
Worksheet included.
I just delivered this powerful session in a professional development series I’m leading for a bigger company I’m working with, and I also wanted to share it more widely too.
Regardless of where you’re feeling weak, this will help.
ONLINE CLASS: Building Confidence, Competence & Connection
Monday, February 19th – 7pm ET
(*or get the recording)
Ticket here: