This video is me talking to nobody. This is also what it looks like to give truly high-level keynote speeches. High-level anything. Practicing over and over and over again in the very un-sexy spaces so that when you do step on that stage, whatever it is for you, you own it FULLY. It’s not just in your brain, it’s in your bones and body too. (Had to throw some bones in there since it’s Halloween time hehe)

Most of the time we only see the big accomplishment. The world record, the room full of people, the cool microphone resting on our cheek. The shiny outcome.
What we don’t often see is everything that went in to getting there.

If you want to truly achieve outlier results, “peak performance” as it were, you must be willing to do what it takes to actually open those doors.

This is what my keynote session teaches.
We get your team thinking (and acting) on things that will actually make a measurable difference in their performance, and with that their confidence and capability.

This is what anyone who wants to hugely up their game needs to know:

     🔥BIG goals as the container through which we access higher stakes and the elevated opportunities that come with them
     🔥Relentless follow through
     🔥The critical nature of committing to finishing from the start
     🔥Not just culture in business but SUBculture
     🔥Prioritizing emotionally safe connection in leadership
     🔥Trusting our intuition and taking action when it fires
     🔥Not just seizing opportunities, but magnifying them
Which on this list resonates most for you?
If this type of session resonates for your team, reach out anytime to bring me in.
Any questions, as always, I’m here. Write me at anytime.