I have never wanted to run a marathon.

It’s never been on my bucket list. In fact, I was always one of those “I hate running” people.
So how is it that I’m now running the New York Marathon???
In less than 2 weeks???
How is it that I’ve literally run all over the entire world for the last year??
At first, I started running because I knew I needed some form of easily transportable exercise while I traveled around the globe (literally)…
Then, going through one of the most challenging emotional times of my life to date, I realized how HUGE a positive difference running made for my emotional well-being. At first, I absolutely saw it, and used it, as an emotional survival tactic. This was actually incredibly motivating to me on those days, in those random countries, after middle-of-the-night client calls, knowing that my exhaustion would most surely turn into an emotional breakdown…… BUT, if I ran…… my mind would shift to the beauty I was seeing… would shift with the endorphins and physical strength and peace that would fill my body… and I would know I was not only ok….. but excellent.
And it did.
And I did.
I started loving running.
photo 1Like really loving it.
Looking forward to getting outside… looking forward to the wind in my face… looking forward to wearing my #ridic noise-canceling headphones out in public so I could listen to my awesome podcasts… looking forward to being amidst the bustle and beauty of this big big world… looking forword to the feeling of strength and clarity running always delivered me.

Then one run in particular changed me

photo 5I was running around the grounds of Chambord Castle in France… the grounds are expansive and stunning… the castle is majestic… massive and beautiful… like, nuts……. This day running here, I’d say I got my first major running high…. I ran farther and longer than I ever had before, and could’ve kept going. Bolero blasting in my ears and the comical timing of the crescendo courtesy of the Universe absolutely making me have such a major a-ha moment of life is fucking GOOD. Look where you are??? Look what you are doing??? Look at what you have already made possible??? LOOK.
Yeah, my head kind of popped off my neck during this moment, and in a way I was reconnected to myself and all we really can do when we believe and connect to that deeper knowing of our greater capability.
My friend had planted the seed that I might one day run a marathon, and this is the first day I actually had the real thought that I might actually do that.
Fast forward, I am back in the United States on my last leg of the World Tour, doing a podcast interview on The Running Lifestyle Show with one of my epic entrepreneurial connections through the Shankminds network
At the end of this interview, she offered me a spot on her charity team running the New York Marathon.


My jaw dropped to the floor… true inspiration flooded over me, and I immediately said yes.
I love New York.
I LOVE New York.
Despite the fact that I was only running like 4 miles max then, my yes was instantaneous.

I had ZERO CLUE how I would actually DO this, I just knew I would.

I just knew this was an opportunity of a lifetime.
So I said yes.
Ahhhhhh! 😀
So freakin’ cool. 😀
And now, over 7 months later, 6 miles feels ridiculously short, I can run 18 easy, and I actually for real can’t wait for 26.2.
Talk about doing something you never thought you’d ever do. Ever could do.
Thank you to each and every one of you who has, and continues to support me and Action For Healthy Kids, the charity I am running for too. If you’d like to donate, here is the link:
12 days to go!!!
Massive love!!!

Support Mel and Action for Healthy Kids in the 2015 New York Marathon
Click here to donate now
Thank you all!